Their hybrid offspring, known as “splake,” or “slake,” have unique patterns on their scales and grow quite quickly. Some live their entire lives in freshwater, while others only return to freshwater to spawn. These subspecies differ in appearance and behavior. Researchers currently recognize 15 different subspecies.
Rainbow Trout – Another species popular with fishermen, this fish gets its name from the iridescent hues on its scales.You can now find this fish in the United States, Patagonia, New Zealand, and more. In fact, people enjoy fishing for this species so much that they have introduced it outside of its native range of Europe. Lake Trout – People catch this species extensively, particularly while fly fishing.Learn more about what makes a few specific species unique, below. These fish have a number of different traits and adaptations. While many measure about a foot or so long, some reach lengths up to four feet or more! Interesting Facts About the Trout